

In a phase of reflection, it was very surprising for me to realise that I have always followed a common thread in the many years of my artistic work, despite a few detours. It all started at the end of the 70s, when I was involved in a a rather unknown art movement, forensic art, as part of a study project. The securing and documenting of traces, ideas or sensations is still an important part of my work today. I was not driven by the search for my own style, but rather by the optimal technique for the corresponding realisation – be it painting, printmaking, sculpture, computer animation or photography.

If you are interested in buying a work, please contact me
by mail (I am willing to negotiate):


From the series:  “MY PLAYLIST”, 2025



The series is not over yet!



From the series:  “Theatre of Mysteries”, 2024



The series refers to the Orgien Mysterientheather. A performance by the
action artist Hermann Nitsch, which was performed on 1 and 2 July 2004 in his
Prinzendorf Castle in Lower Austria. The Vienna Actionism Museum WAM in
Vienna offers a very good overview of the art of the Viennese Actionists
(including Brus, Nitsch, Muehl and Schwarzkogler) from the 1960s and 1970s.



From the series:  “Mal was anderes!”, 2023



From the series: “Stuhlsachen”, 2023



Some time ago, I noticed the chair in the studio where I sometimes rest or look at the unfinished painting during a painting phase. For me, the unoccupied chair symbolises both loneliness and absence. It represents the emptiness that remains when someone is gone or has never been there. It is waiting for someone to come and use it, waiting for the interaction that will give it back its function. But the chair could also soon be occupied by someone who brings a story, a conversation or simply a break. It lingers quietly in its place while the world around it moves and changes.


From the series: “Postcards”, 2023



I was in Vienna for a few days in 2023. The city was full of tourists, everything was crowded and repulsive (wasn’t I a tourist too?). If I’d had to write a postcard, I would have described my stay as wonderful and beautiful. In Venice, you have to pay to visit the city, in Barcelona the citizens protest against tourists because renting out holiday flats is more lucrative.


From the series: “Modern Times”, 2023



Modern times: Away from painting techniques that are always the same, away from repetition, giving up one’s own fixed ideas of colour, composition and content…


From the series: “Self-Portaits”, 2023



From the series: Painting”, 2022




From the series: “Status: 2021”, 2021-2022




From the series: “Please do not imitate”, 2020


From the series: “Vertigo”, 2019




From the series: “Standstill”, 2017-2018




From the series: “London”, 2017-2018




From the series: “Cable Bracing”, 2014 – 2015




From the series: “Hanging”, 2014




From the series: “Networks”,  2009 – 2013




From the series: “Grid Paintings”,  2005